SAY THE WORD is an original feature screenplay by Alan Lavender, based on a true story by Buster Epps.

A man in the twilight of his life recalls his life-changing struggle with his wife's terminal illness, only to set in motion the same transformational path in the tragic life of a young Eastern European immigrant working in his son's Kent Diner.
A man in the twilight of his life recalls his life-changing struggle with his wife's terminal illness, only to set in motion the same transformational path in the tragic life of a young Eastern European immigrant working in his son's Kent Diner.
Set in Ashford, Kent, England in 1978 and the present day SAY THE WORD seeks development assistance, not necessarily financial, from film boards and arts umbrellas in Ireland and the UK. Stateside interest is also welcomed at this stage but with the caveat that the storyline will not be modified in any way to encompass US locations or characters. Full story rights are owned 50/50 by Alan and Buster.

To request further information please contact the writer at:
0011 353 87 8524903 (cell)
0011 353 74 9180522 (home: 08:00-20:00hrs GMT)
Dunmore | Falcarragh | Co. Donegal | IRELAND