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featured photo story: October 2001




Alan: "The only story this month has to be the story we have all watched unfold since September 11th. This is my photographic tribute to the people who died in New York, Washington & Pennsylvania.

This sculpture was made out of junk by the residents of the Lower East Side. I don't know if it is still there, as this was taken several years ago. It was, if I remember rightly, somewhere near 2nd and B. Since then I have used the image in a CD booklet as a background to lyrics for a song called "Broken", by Land, which seem particularly appropriate now, being about rebuilding our lives, based on Luke 22:19."

. . . Some times it seems forever

But the broken will mend

He will heal them

In the end

Some torn up by a lion

Some scratched by a rose

Through the ruins

A flower grows . . .